Legendary Dungeons involve a different map-making process. Rather than making a random map, a fixed map with set encounters, treasure and rewards is explored.
Each Legendary Dungeon uses specific map cards placed according to a pre-generated dungeon, but initially flipped so that as the player explores and unflips the cards, more of the dungeon becomes visible.
While there are random treasure and monster decks, these are much reduced in size
and many monster and treasure locations are predetermined.
Each dungeon has descriptive text followed by a list of which cards to include and the map to make before you start the adventure. When you explore, instead of drawing a card from the map deck, simply turn the card over in the direction you are exploring. Monster, item and treasure cards might then be put into play according to the details on the map.
Expansions and
Special rules
This section tells you what Vanaheim expansions, if any are needed to play this dungeon.
Any additional rules are also listed here.
Treasure Decks
This section describes which Treasure cards you will need. If the treasure cards are on the map, they are gained once the map card is free of monsters. If they are described as decks, collect the named cards in a unique deck for this dungeon.
Unless otherwise stated, treasure is not found because of the icons on a map card.
Monster Decks
Decks of Monsters are shuffled before each draw and a monster drawn from the bottom.
Some monsters will be placed in play - these are fought once the particular map card is reached.
Unless otherwise stated, encounter tables are not used and the usual card symbol for encounters is ignored.
Since the monster cards are double sided, you might want to shuffle and draw from the bottom, or use a dice to pick a random card.
Here you will see the map that needs to be constructed before play. Once made, all the cards except the entrance card are turned over so you can keep track of where you have been.