Valdyr, the exiled jarl of the west has
been hunted down to a warren of caverns.
The entrance is caked in ancient blood.
Go , find the first cursed hide and destroy it, ending both Valdyr and the Magic he controls.
This Adventure is for level 4 heroes and once successfully completed should not be played again with the same character.
You will need the "Pile of Furs" treasure card and the following map cards: Stairs, Entrance, Objective room, Moon room, the peaceful crossroads and the reinforcements crossroad.
Make map two decks of 16 random map cards. Put the stairs card on the bottom of the first deck. You will be using this deck to start with.
Shuffle the Moon room into the second deck, and put the objective map card on the bottom of this deck and the reinforcements crossroads on the top of the deck. This is the deck you will use once you explore from the stairs.
Place the entrance card and the peaceful crossroads to start the first level of the dungeon. When the stair card is played, you can remove the first part of the dungeon and continue from the stairs card using the second deck. After descending the stars, add 1 to every roll on the encounter table.
Treasure Event: Sun Sets: This card should only be part of the treasure deck when Skinwalkers are used as monsters.
1 -2
No encounter
Level 3 Bandit
Wounded Ulfheddin &
Level 4 Bandit
Wounded Ulfheddin &
Level 3 Bandit
Spirit Cloud &
If an Ulfhedin is encountered but the card cannot be played,
use a Musgis (at full health) instead.
When the following map cards are played, use the following encounters:
Moon Room: Play an Ulfheddin and a Spirit Cloud. Ignore any usual rewards but gain the "Pile of Furs" treasure card. While this is in your possession, all Skinwalkers you meet will start unwounded.
Objective Room: Play Valdyr. At the end of each turn that Valdyr still lives, roll on the following table for additional reinforcements. If a monster is rolled that cannot be added to the fight, then no reinforcements are added.
1-2. No reinforements
3. Level 3 Bandit
4. Mungus
5. Level 4 Bandit
6. Ulfheddin
These reinforcements do not provide rewards when defeated.
Once all the monsters in the Objective Room are removed, discard the "Pile of Furs" and claim any unique or normal item card up to level 4.