Scouts have found a nearby cavern with a hive of huge spiders within. While concerning, the situation has become alarming when a tribe of Verslin arrived to train the arachnids and worship the spider queen.
a local sage believes this is attracting the attention of fulvaityr from the other world and now it is up to you and your companions to destroy the spider queen before the veil between worlds is breached.
This adventure is for level 3 characters only and once successfully completed, should not be played again with the same character.
Start with the entrance card with the peaceful crossroads map card attached.
Make a facedown map deck by drawing 16 random map cards and add the objective room card to the bottom of the deck.
When the objective card is played, instead of rolling an encounter, put the monsters “Monstrous Spider” and "Spirit Cloud" in play instead. If the monsters are defeated, instead of the usual reward, gain any single level 1, 2 or 3 item as reward, including legendary items.
1 -2
No encounter
Huge Spider
Verslin Sneak
Cunning Dverkobe & Wolf
2 Huge Spiders